Our Approach
Where to WinThe ‘Where to win’ addresses the Industry segments, Service & Solution offerings as well as Operating countries. The philosophy followed is of prioritization across the 3 dimensions based on market attractiveness and your focus & capabilities. The 5 Key strategies of “How to win” are closely aligned to our portfolio choices and market discontinuities viz.
1. Ecosystem partnerships
The strategy is to build strong ecosystem partnerships in the area of project management, management consulting and IT management.
2. Driving impact through disruptive technologies
a. Mobility : Focus is to drive Enterprise mobility solutions and services with the approach of driving business process transformation enabled by mobility.
b. Analytics: Focused on providing analytics led services and solutions: Focused areas for investments include customer analytics, risk and stress analytics, pricing analytics, Big data strategy & consulting.
3. Building Solution and People assets
The approach is to provide differentiated business value led solutions and services by building specific industry expertise in relevant domains, specific technology, program management and architecture competencies.
4. Sales Transformation
The approach is to have a focused farming and hunting approach. There are 2 elements to Sales Transformation namely Account Real Estate focus and Sales Enablement.
a. Account focus: A dedicated Global Client partner with delivery, service offering and functional alignment model ensures that clients have a streamlined and seamless engagement model. Hunting is a dedicated program where we have a specialist hunting structure to pursue and open new logos for 4Squared. The structure is aligned to pursue a named list to ensure effectiveness and results.
b. Sales Enablement: Our objective is ‘Selling better’ & ‘Selling more’. Training, assessments and continuous enablement are part of the overall sales enablement objective. A dedicated and centralized unit is in place for driving the end objective of enablement.
5. Driving Certainty & Efficiency
The objective is to drive predictability and efficiency in delivery of services through the following actions.
a. Automation enabled by tools, platforms & standard estimation models/tools
b. Enhanced competence program with the objective of driving competencies in delivery
c. Operational excellence: Supply Chain Segmentation with tiered service levels, processes and systems to drive cycle time reduction across Hiring, Fulfilment & Training & budget based control for cost of Delivery.